Kansas City Violent Crimes Defense Attorney

At Sandage Law LLC, we understand the impact that violent crime charges can have on your life, and we will fight to project your rights. Whether you are facing allegations of assault, robbery, or even murder, our firm is dedicated to providing you with a strong, strategic defense to help you get the

With more than 60 years of combined experience in the courtroom, our founder Lance Sandage and his team know how to represent you. We take the time to carefully review every detail of your violent crimes case, including how the police handled your arrest and the evidence they’re using against you.

We understand that each case is unique, so we work with you to create a defense strategy that fits your circumstances. This includes identifying any mistakes or violations made by law enforcement, questioning the credibility of witnesses, and analyzing forensic evidence. Our approach is thorough because we know that the stakes are high - your freedom, reputation, and future are on the line.

 The Consequences of Not Having Skilled Violent Crimes Representation

Facing violent crime charges without skilled legal representation can lead to devastating consequences. Without an experienced attorney you could face:

Severe Penalties: You could face the maximum penalties, including long-term imprisonment, substantial fines, and, in the most serious cases, life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Unchallenged Evidence: Critical evidence may go unchallenged, even if it was obtained unlawfully or is unreliable, increasing the likelihood of conviction.

Reduced Defense Opportunities: Opportunities to challenge the prosecution’s case or negotiate plea deals could be missed, leading to harsher sentencing.

Permanent Criminal Record: A conviction for a violent crime can result in a permanent criminal record, affecting your future employment opportunities, housing options, and civil rights.

Life-Altering Consequences: Beyond the legal penalties, a violent crime conviction can irreparably damage your reputation, relationships, and overall quality of life.

By working closely with you, we aim to uncover any facts that could lead to reduced charges, a dismissal of the case, or an acquittal at trial. At Sandage Law LLC, we are committed to standing by you every step of the way, providing the strong defense you need to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Common Violent Crimes We Defend

Sandage Law LLC defends for a wide range of violent crime charges, including:

Assault and Battery: Charges involving physical harm or threats of harm to another person. We work to uncover the facts and present defenses like self-defense or lack of intent.

Robbery: The use of force or intimidation to take property from another person. Our defense strategy includes challenging the identification of the perpetrator and questioning the reliability of the evidence.

Homicide and Manslaughter: Cases involving the death of another person, whether intentional or accidental. We investigate all aspects of the case, from forensic evidence to witness testimony, to construct a strong defense.

Domestic Violence: Allegations of violence within the home or between intimate partners. We handle these sensitive cases with care, ensuring that the full context is considered and your rights are protected.

Kidnapping: Charges of unlawfully detaining or moving another person against their will. Our approach includes challenging the prosecution’s evidence and exploring all potential defenses,  including consent or misidentification.

Weapons Charges: Crimes involving the illegal possession or use of firearms or other weapons. We examine whether law enforcement followed proper procedures in seizing the weapon and whether your rights were violated.

Why Choose Sandage Law LLC?

Choosing Sandage Law LLC means selecting a firm with a proven track record defending against serious criminal charges. Our extensive trial experience, coupled with our commitment to protecting your rights, ensures that you receive the strongest possible defense. We understand how high the stakes are, and we’re dedicated to fighting for your freedom and your future.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one is facing violent crime charges, don’t wait to get skilled legal representation from a violent crimes defense lawyer. Contact Sandage Law LLC today to schedule a consultation. We are here to listen to you, explain your options, and begin building your defense. Your future is too important to leave to chance. Let us help you protect it.

Client Testimonials

“Lance and Sarah were wonderful to work with. They were intelligent, hard-working, and dedicated advocates for me and brought my case to a positive resolution. They will not over-promise you results although at times you may want them to. I think it is better to be told the trust. When I was given optimistic news I knew I could count on it because of Lance speaking so plainly with me throughout.”

Glen F.

“Already I felt so much more confident about my boyfriend’s legal case to have a lawyer who believes in you and wants to win. It is an amazing feeling. It is hope!”

Melanie B. 

“They care deeply about their clients and get the best possible results.”

Mykelanne I.

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